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This newsletter will go over the winners of the Best in Show for NYC and an update to HM LA coming up in November. It only has these two topics, but it is long since we have such a lot of information to share with you.
First off, the Best in Show Winners.
For those who don’t know: the best in Show Mare is voted on by the Stallions at the event and the Best in Show Stallion is voted on by the Stable Hands (Volunteers) as the Mares are blindfolded. For more detailed info check out the Best in Show tab here on my site. Now for the winners:
Best in Show Stallion goes to #152 and the Best in Show Mare is 258! Let's all congratulate them! Just to remind you all what that the winners get:
- A special shirt that says Best in Show Mare/Stallion on the back
- A giant dildo from SquarePegToys
- A bottle of Premium Silicone PigLoad Lube
- A free ticket to a future HM of their choice
- An exclusive drawstring bag
- Their ass/dick pic featured on the Best in Show page at HorseMarketsf.com
- Being featured at @Pig_Load and @HorseMarketSF on Twitter.
For HM LA during CLAW (November 26th and 27th. Maybe 28th) we have started the process of the Mare lotto and are in the process of emailing the first round of Mares to get their tickets. They have 24 hours to purchase them before we pick the next random person on the list. We will also add more Mares as more Stallion tickets are sold to keep with the perfect ratio of Stallions to Mares.
Here is a very special offer for versatile Mares: If you don’t want to miss the chance to go to the event, go purchase a Stallion ticket now, and we will keep you on the Mare lotto list. When more Mare tickets open up and if you end up being chosen, we will email you and then transfer your Stallion ticket to a Mare ticket if you still want to go as a Mare. This guarantees you still get to attend without losing the chance to go as a Mare. It is a little more work for us but we don’t mind at all. Since we only care about all guests have a fucking good time!
If you want to attend the CLAW LA event and stay at the host hotel, we were told that October 23rd is the last day for the guaranteed low price of $139 a night and you will get put into a raffle of prizes up to $4,000. This includes a room upgrade or one of many other prizes.
CLAW LA plans to use the whole hotel and it's the largest hotel in LA. It will be FULL of leathermen from all over the world. If you want to purchase a room, you have to go through the CLAW website. If you want to book a room click the button below. Maybe we will have a Horse Market meet up at the lobby bar sometime for people who have attended or people who want to attend and we can answer any questions. We will also have a booth at the vendor market and you can get the swag
We had a lot of questions about the CLAW night pass, we try to give you a few answers here:
- You can NOT buy a one night pass ($20) through CLAW. This pass is exclusively available for Horse Market guests through our ticket site. Everyone can purchase this along with their HM ticket if you need one.
- The 3 day weekend night pass ($50) is only available from CLAW at the hotel or closer to the event on their website. They promised us that they will not sell out on those passes. So you do not need to worry about that.
- You must have either a CLAW package or a night pass to attend HM. Even if you have a room at the hotel. (A room does not get you into CLAW or HM events)
- Hotel rooms are still available at $139 a night but that price can only be guaranteed up till Oct 23rd. Rooms will still be available after that but the price could change.
- We will try to get as many Mares selected & notified before the 23rd. (As always we still need to keep the ratio of Stallions to Mares)
Hope all this information is useful to you.
Below is info from the last newsletter on tickets and volunteering!
Now onto tickets, volunteers and play furniture lending.
- Volunteering:
- Below is the sign up form with all the details
- A special volunteer shirt and a free ticket come with volunteering!
- You can volunteer for multiple days and only need to signup once.
- There will be time for volunteers to get some play during/before/after their shift.
- We may add on a Sunday event if enough sign ups for it.
Play Furniture Lending:
Some of you have emailed saying you have play furniture I could borrow for Horse Market LA. Below is a sign up form for anyone who has something they can lend us for the event in exchange for a ticket to the event. Think, benches, Slings, massage tables or other furniture you can play on. And also have in mind how hot it is to get it back knowing strangers fucked the hell out of mares on or in it! That should be price enough alone.
(If you live in San Francisco and have something I can use, let me know. I may be able to drive it down with me and bring it back after.)
Mare and Stallion tickets will be sold as follows:
- Mare Tickets:
- Will be sold via a randomized lottery. When you fill out the Waiver & Vaccine form, it will ask you which days you want to be on the lottery for and sign you up for those days.
- On October 15th at 8pm PST we will start the first wave of Mare tickets. We will randomly choose email addresses from the Vaccine and Waiver forms and give them instructions on how to purchase a ticket. They will have 24 hours to purchase a ticket or we pick the next person on the list.
- The amount of Mare tickets are always based on the number of Stallion tickets we have sold, that is why we start the Stallion sale first.
- Anyone who purchases a Mare ticket for one day cannot purchase another for the other day(s).
- You may attend one day as a Mare and another as a Stallion.
- Stallion Tickets:
- After you fill out the Waiver & Vaccine form, you will be taken to the ticket site where you can purchase a ticket right now.
- You may purchase a ticket for one or more days. But we need the waiver for both days.
- If you have a saved ticket from a previous event, click Stallion on the Waiver & Vaccine form to go to the ticket page to claim your ticket credit
We now have Telegram app groups for both Stallions and Mares to ask any question related to your role and/or the event. Please no pictures. Just use it to ask questions.
NEW Stallions: https://t.me/+
NEW Mares: https://t.me/+R_
If you would like to sponsor this event, drop me a line.

Pig Load: PigLoad.com
Mr. S Leather: Mr-S-Leather.com
SquarePegToys®: squarepegtoys.com
Sheets of San Francisco: sheetsofsanfrancisco.com
Jim Support: JIMSUPPORT.com
Rc & Digger: allmylinks.com/rcanddigger