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(The newsletter sign up form is at the bottom of this page)


Good day Everyone,

We hope you all have been well. This newsletter has some exciting news for you and we want to honor our Best in Show winners for the San Francisco events #42 and #43. We also have some updates for events in May, June, and July. Let's get into it!

Let's start with the winners of Best in Show San Francisco.


Friday April 21st: Mare #326 & Stallion #266

Saturday April 22nd: Mare #368 & Stallion #231

HM #43
HM #43

Give a big hand to our four winners! They will be sent an email with info on their best in-show prizes and if you are curious about how the best in show works and what they get, head on over to the Best In Show page for more info!!


Just a reminder that we have two IML events coming up fast! As always, Mare tickets are on a lottery and we draw names every day as Stallion tickets are purchased.

There is no set day we draw names. We draw names as soon as we can when Stallion tickets are purchased. The more Stallions we have the more Mares we can have. This is the best way to try and make sure that everyone has a great time in the stable. We dont want too many Stallions and not enough Mares and Vice versa.

On a side note: we plan on purchasing some beds and frames for the IML events that we will store in Chicago for future events. We are looking for anyone who may have a place to allow us to mail them too and hold them until we get to Chicago. We can't ship them to us and fly them over sadly.

Call to action: If you are Chicago local and want us to come back, please help us in finding a reasonable storage location. Or, if your, grandma has a basement she never uses, and it's not a dungeon yet, email us back!


In addition, if anyone has any sex furniture they can loan for the events, can you let us know in this survey form, please?

We have heard that some of you want earlier notice for events and we hear you! We always try to let you know in advance as early as possible and try to get tickets on sale for events as SOON as locations are confirmed.

It can take a lot of time to secure a date for a venue and once we do we get the tickets on sale for you immediately.

And on that note, we have secured the next date for our Portland event for Sunday, Father's Day June 18th!

This is our famous after-church event and starts at 4 pm with check-in.
Please for all our regulars take note: We have swapped the entrances for Mares and Stallions to make the flow better for everyone. To get a ticket or sign up to volunteer head over to the ticket page to read more!

cities sparxo banner

Lastly, we have some info on two other upcoming events but we don't have 100% details yet: We are trying for a Los Angeles Event on July 7th. We are finalizing info for the event(s) that weekend but we will let you know ASAP.

The other event we are working on is a Dore Alley event. We are in the process of figuring out if we can have two events on the weekend of Dore Alley or the weekend before.
Once we have it set in stone we will let you all know so you can get tickets! So stay tuned!


As far as dates onward,

- We want to have two events in Chicago for Market days around Aug 11th and 12th (Working on it)
- Aug 18th and 19th Las Vegas, “Club Edition” events  (Scheduled)
- Sept 7th in Seattle (Working on it)
- Sept 15th and/or 16th or, during Folsom Street Fair weekend of Sept 22nd and/or 23rd (working on it)
- Oct 13th and 14th in Cleveland Ohio. (Working on it)
- Nov 24th and 25th LA during CLAW LA (Scheduled)
- Dec 7th and 8th Las Vegas “Club Edition” Events (Scheduled)

As always, we are trying for new cities; if we get a venue in a new city, we will add dates!

Wow, was longer than we had expected - lol - but that’s it for now so thanks for getting to the end and we hope to see you at an event soon!

Stable Master Matt Black

Stable Wrangler Martin

People have said they have missed the Newsletter email, it went to spam or it just never showed up! Because of this I’ve created a channel on Telegram to notify people of when Newsletters are posted. This is not a chat room so no one other than me can post in it and you will only get a notification from me when I post a new Newsletter. If you want to join, click the link below and feel free to give it to friends who want to join the newsletter or who may not be getting it!


And to those supporting our events, give some love to our sponsors:

Twitter: @Pig_load , @Squarepegtoys

Web: PigLoad.com/HorseMarket, Squarepegtoys.com

Stay Healthy, see you soon in a Stable near you

The Stable Master and The Stable Wrangler

That's it for now. We tried to condense it and streamline it so you dont have a ton to read through to get what we want to tell you. Thanks and see you soon!


Stable Master Matt

Stable Wrangler Martin

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