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(The newsletter sign up form is at the bottom of this page)
Hey everyone!
Summer is in full swing - time for our July newsletter!
- Dore Alley Friday, Saturday, and Sunday events update.
- Portland Special Filmed Event + Best in Show winners.
- Future events coming up
- More about events
1. Dore Alley Friday, Saturday, and Sunday events update.
Friday: Horse Market San Francisco (Regular event)
- We are sold out for this event and we are just drawing the last bit of Mares from the lotto. We always have some cancellations as we get closer to the event and we want to say thank you to those who let us know. This allows us to pull more Mares or even Stallions in this case as we are full.
- We may open up some more Stallion tickets which means we could get a couple more Mares but we are not sure yet. Don't want it to be too crowded. You are welcome to try and get a ticket at the door (5:45 pm) if we have any no-shows or you can show up around 7:45 pm to get a ticket at the door. By then we should have some spots open for anyone who has CUM and gone.
Saturday: InterroGAYtion by The Stable Wrangler
- This is just like a Horse Market except it is the Stable Wrangler’s signature Prison themed event. You get booked (checked in) and sent to the cell block where you get blindfolded and wait for the Guards (tops) to come in and have their way with you. There will be a separate area for those who want to get a little deeper and are ok with/want to do some Fisting but it’s not required. Come and get punished by the Guards (Tops) and the Warden (Stable Wrangler).
- We also need volunteers for Saturday please apply below and get in.
Sunday: Horse Market Unbridled Event
- This is a mix of a regular play party and a smaller Horse Market light. You can show up anytime after 5 pm till about 10 pm and we play till around 11 pm. (We recommend you arrive between 5 - 7 pm to get the most out of it.)
We have no set time you have to be there. At the event, you have 2 options.- 1. Just show up and fuck who you want, wherever you want. Or,
- 2. Go into the mini Horse Market area we have created and either be a Mare for a limited time or show the Mares a great time. This area will have rotating Mares who will be brought in and out so do walk through throughout the night to see the wide array of Mares that will be ass up and waiting.
2. Portland Special Filmed Event + Best in Show winners.
This past weekend, we had our special Horse Market Filmed edition Vol:2 this time in Portland and it was fantastic. We had two Videographers who have filmed for Treasure Island Media before and they did a great job. Horse Market filmed edition Vol: 2 will be darker and some may say hotter than Vol: 1 but that’s tough shoes to fill. The editor is working on the video as we speak and we will let you all know when it is completed and out for you to buy. Until then, you can enjoy the views of the Best in Show Mare and Stallion for that event:
If you want to see all the past winners or read about what they won, head over to the Best in Show page to read more!
3. Future events coming up
Save the date! We have some events coming up for Sept and November.
- San Francisco Folsom Weekend Sept 27th, 28th and 29th. We have a mirror of Dore Alley weekend with 3 events. Horse Market (regular), InterroGAYtion, and Horse Market Unbridled. Tickets are not on sale yet but this is a reminder to save the dates!
- Las Vegas November 1st and 2nd! We are back in the city of sin for another event. Tickets are not on sale for this event yet but will be soon. We will have info on tickets in another newsletter so save the date and be on the lookout.
4. Other events
We are still trying to plan for a Fort Lauderdale event and maybe even a Vancouver Canada one… (yes!)
It's A LOT of planning to have an event in a new city so we will keep you all updated when we make it happen so you have plenty of time to plan to go! As always keep an eye out for future newsletters.
This is it for now! Stay hydrated - Until next time, make sure you are getting tested regularly, and having healthy responsible sex, and check out the Horse Market Merch store!
Stable Master Matt
Stable Wrangler Martin
And to those supporting our events, give some love to our sponsors:
Twitter: @Pig_load , @Squarepegtoys, @HorseMarketSF
Web: PigLoad.com/HorseMarket
People have said they have missed the Newsletter email, it went to spam or it just never showed up! Because of this I’ve created a channel on Telegram to notify people of when Newsletters are posted. This is not a chat room so no one other than me can post in it and you will only get a notification from me when I post a new Newsletter. If you want to join, click the link below and feel free to give it to friends who want to join the newsletter or who may not be getting it!